In 2023,Country to Coast, QLD (CCQ), provided your organisation with a Telehealth Support Grant as part of the Commonwealth’s response to Aged Care Reform. The purpose of this grant is to increase the availability and use ofTelehealthfor residents living in Aged Care Homes and to reduce avoidable hospital presentations.

Completing the Online Impact Statement not only fulfills the mandatory requirement of the Telehealth Grant process but also provides you with the opportunity to highlight the positive outcomes you have achieved. Your input will also help us measure the effectiveness of the program, guiding future efforts for digital health programs.

CCQ collects information in line with our Privacy Statement. Please refer to our Privacy Statementfor further information:

Organisation details

Grant Agreement

Items purchased with grant funding

Impact Statement

5.1 Outputs (required)

5.1.2 Number of consultations by clinician category

Month 1 is the first month that your telehealth equipment was utilised on site. Please fill in the number of relevant months  e .g if your equipment arrived on site on February 2nd, you would complete months February (as month 1) through to when you submit your report.

If less than six months of telehealth consultations were completed, please place a zero in the subsequent months.

Number of consultations with General Practitioner (GP) in:

Number of consultations with Private Specialists in:

Number of consultations with Public specialists (Hospital and Health Service) in:

Number of consultations with HHS Older Persons Health services - including RASS, GERI/GEDI, Mental Health etc. in:

Number of consultations with Community Allied health professionals (e.g. physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dietitians) in:

Number of consultations with Mental Health Professionals (other than HHS) in:

TOTAL of telehealth consultations conducted per month

5.2 Experience Outcomes (required):
