We are open program enrolment

The We are Open program offers coordination and funding to general practitioners (GPs), Aboriginal Medical Services (AMS), and pharmacies, to enable them to extend their operating hours during disasters and emergencies. The program's primary objective is to ensure people have access to essential primary healthcare services when they need it most.

We are Open is one of CCQ’s disaster response programs; it is one program within the organisation’s broader disaster management framework and programs.

Program objectives

The main objectives of We are Open are:

  • To improve health and wellbeing of people in the region by ensuring the availability of essential healthcare services during disasters.

  • To improve the resilience and sustainability of the primary care system during emergencies by providing coordination and financial support to GPs, AMS and pharmacies.

Program scope

The program will cover:

  • GPs, AMS and Pharmacies across the CCQ geographic area.

  • Natural disasters (e.g., cyclones, bushfires), public health emergencies (e.g., pandemics), and other emergencies as defined by local authorities.


GPs, AMS and Pharmacies can apply to participate in We are Open by completing the form below.

Before submitting the enrolment form, primary care providers will be asked to agree to the ‘We are Open' Terms and Conditions.

Enrolment also requires a signed recipient-created tax invoice (RCTI) agreement with CCQ.

Review and Approval of enrolment;

- The Healthy Communities team will monitor enrolment applications (online form submissions) and refer each enrolment to the relevant Primary Care Coordinator for review and approval.

- The CCQ Primary Care Coordinator for the region where the provider is located will review the enrolment application, ensuring the application is from a genuine practice with RACGP registration, and the person applying has the authority to apply, the application was complete including agreeing to the terms and conditions and the applicant has an RCTI in place.

The Primary Care Coordinator will then notify the practice of approval for participation in the program and add the practice details to the We are Open – participating actors’ spreadsheet.